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Lillian Colton
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Krissy Sorensen

Looking at Seed Art and eating fresh corn on the cob (burnt with salt & butter, please!) have always been Krissy's favorite MN State Fair activities. After several years of admiring the crop creations, she finally picked up some buckwheat groats, a bottle of Elmer's glue, and gave seed artistry a shot. Now she's hooked on seeds!

News stories about Krissy Sorenson

[Krissy Sorensen Help is on the way image] [Krissy Sorensen Crop it like it’s hot image] [Krissy Sorensen Margerine Simpson image]
Help is on the way, dear
Crop it like it's hot
Margarine Simpson

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A visual art critic's take on top 10 crop artworks at the Minnesota State Fair
By Alicia Eler
Star Tribune, August 29, 2023

[tiny seed]

Images on this page ©2022-2023 copyright by Krissy Sorensen
Crop Art web site ©2022 copyright cropart.com
Use of these images without permission is prohibited.
Questions or comments? Write to cropart@cropart.com.